Jan 29, 2009

16 weeks pregnant, maybe I should finally blog?

Well, the cat is out of the bag, as everyone knows already. So I can finally blog about being pregnant.

Of course, I would've done it sooner, had I had the energy.

The first trimester, I felt VERY blessed, b/c i really had no morning sickness. Yay! Praise God! I did have some food aversions (still do!), but it has really been very easy to manage.

I did however, get the Oh-so-fun insomnia, which still comes and goes, though it isn't as bad as in the first trimester.

And, the lovely exhaustion. Hopefully my subsequent pregnancies I won't be quite so exhausted!! I can't imagine having a toddler running around and being this tired!! ACK! Anyway, the exhaustion, like the insomnia, seems to be coming and going now.. some days i am really good, and other days, i could sleep all day!

Still no baby bump.

I had my 16 week appointment yesterday, which was really good. My midwife assured me that all was well even though I have no bump, and no weight gain. We scheduled my appointment for my "big" ultrasound.. this is the ultrasound where they check fetal anatomy for different typed of birth defects-- heart chambers, the brain, abdominal organs, etc. This is also the ultrasound where we get to find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl! We can't wait! :)

Baby S's heartrate was in the 140s again.. seriously, best sound ever! :) It was such a great reassurance to hear it! According to my weekly emails, baby S is about the size of an avocado this week.

I have started to feel the baby move- i think! I really can't tell for sure if it is the baby, but I am 90% sure! I usually can feel it when i am laying on my stomach, or sitting really still (like when i am typing on the laptop!) I can't wait for the movement to be more regular!

Alright, i think this is enough excitement for now! Hopefully I won't go so long between blogs from now on! :)